Rosebud Sioux Tribe Health Administration Vision
To reform our healthcare delivery system by establishing a relative focused, spiritually adaptive, & easily accessible comprehensive healthcare system whose foundation is built on our sacred Lakota virtues.
Unsiiciyapi (Humility), Wowacintanka (Perseverance), Wawoohola (Respect), Wayuonihan (Honor), Cantognake (Love), Icicupi (Sacrifice), Wowicake (Truth),Waunsilapi (Compassion), Woohitike (Bravery), Cantewasake (Fortitude), Canteyuke (Generosity), Woksape (Wisdom).
Each relative will be afforded opportunities to access quality healthcare in their own communities. We will partner with Allies from a variety of backgrounds who share our same dream. We will strengthen our identity and become healthy, self-sufficient people.
We will walk together with one heart, one mind, one voice, one action. One day we will help other nations as other nations have graciously helped our Mission; to continually strive to improve the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of our relatives. We will build on each other’s strengths and strengthen each other’s weaknesses.
Ending the HIV/HCV Epidemics
Project Coordinator: Tennille Black Feather,
PHN: Marietta Uses Knife
• Public education about HIV/ HCV and other communicable diseases
• Public clinics held in various communities for easy access to care and testing
• PHN works with local IHS to begin process of treatment
• Project Coordinator/ PHN check in with client periodically to provide support
• Health information is confidential: HIPAA enforced
Social Detox Program
The RST SDP’s desire & purpose is for our people is for our people who suffer from addiction to attain “Iglu Wash Ake”. This is a term in our Lakota language that describes the journey to complete mental, physical, emotional, & spiritual wellness. This benefits our clients, their families, our communities, tribes, & society.
Staff: Lester Haire, Rachel Ireland, Kay Deb Young, Ryan Bordeaux, & Jessica War Bonnett
• High-quality treatment for clients with mild withdrawal from alcohol, meth, opioids, &/orclients that are entering withdrawal
• Day treatment during business hours
• Intake screenings
• Group, Individual, & Family Counseling
• Treatment Plan
• Education on alcohol & drug abuse, & Dependence
• Medical Treatment
• Medication Assisted Treatment
• Continued Care planning
• Coordination of medical Services
Address: 1044 W. BIA 1, Rosebud, SD 57570
Phone Number: 605-747-2211
Office Hours: Monday- Friday, 8 A.M.- 4 P.M.
COVID-19 Testing and Tracing Staff: CJ Kills In Water, Smoky Leader Charge, Shayla Two Eagle
Phone: 605-319-0212​

Phone Number: (605) 747-5100
Fax: (605) 747-5412
Director Name: Skyla Fast Horse
Address: PO Box 719, Rosebud, SD 57570
Office hours: Monday – Friday, 8 A.M.- 5 P.M.
Phone Number:(605)747-4600
Fax: (605)747-4060
Director Name: Connie Brushbreaker
Address: 225 N. BIA 9 Soldier Creek RD, Rosebud, SD 57570
Description of Services:
Pre-Diabetes Education
Diabetes Education

Phone Number:(605)747-2316
Director Name: Claudine BeGay
Address: P.O. Box 808, Rosebud, SD 57570
Description of Services: Travel to communities to check blood pressures, transport to an appointment, deliver medicine to elderly, home visits, If no other means of transport we deliver food boxes, etc​.
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Dispatch: 911 or (605) 856-2365
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Suicide & Crisis Support Line: (605) 319-1280
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Rosebud Indian Health Service (605) 747-2231 for emergency services
Veterans can text to 838255 or call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1
Support for deaf or hard of hearing can contact 1-800-799-4889
Text HOME to 741741
Mental Health Services
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Wiconi Wakan Health and Healing Center
Wiconi Wakan Health and Healing Center has existed in several different iterations on Rosebud over the past decade to address high rates of suicide and suicide ideation. In early 2019, several tribal health leaders convened to write a grant to fund a version of WWHHC that focuses on providing community-based screening, crisis intervention, and postvention services for relatives struggling with suicide ideation or healing from a loved one’s suicide.
Offering services to 7 and older
Mental health services for anyone suffering from depression, PTSD, anxiety and grief
Individual support from our mental health specialists
We offer screening for suicidal ideation
Provide support for Veterans
Crisis response team to support families when a there is an unexpected death or suicide in the community
QPR Training: Question, Persuade, Refer which offers the local community at large to get training on how to work with someone is who is experiencing ideation and provide them with local resources for support
Community outreach in local area schools
LGBTQ + Allies Support Group, begins in May 2021
Survivors of Suicide Support Group for survivors and their families (May 2021)
Anger Management (May 2021)
Talking Circles in the Juvenile Detention Center, Adult Corrections and Homeless Shelters
Crisis line (605) 319-1280 PO BOX 719 Rosebud, 57570
Address: PO Box 719, Rosebud, SD 57570
Phone Number: (605) 747-2777
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Alcohol/Drug Treatment Program
The Rosebud Sioux Tribe has entered into a binding contract with the Secretary of the Health & Human Services / Indian Health Service through the authorization and provisions of PL93-638, Title I of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. Since 1994, this program has evolved into a multi-component program that provides continuing of care services to all ages groups of enrolled tribal members. These distinct services are:
Counseling (Individual/Group)
Case Management/Record Keeping/Quality Assurances
Referral to Support Services or other appropriate services/Collaborations
Community Education (schools, agencies, communities, clientele)
Outpatient Services (assessments/individual and group counseling/other services)
Aftercare (adult/youth/family)
Family Counseling
Culture-Spiritual Enhancements/Traditional Healing practices
Residential InPatient/ Transitional Living Center services
Equine-assisted Psychotherapy
Administer program-related grants/projects
Medicated-Assisted Treatment
Tele-Medicine Services
Patch Testing/UA drug testing services
Staff Development&Training/Certification& Licensure
RST Alcohol/Drug Treatment Program
Adult In-Patient Treatment is a short-term (35days) highly structured program that includes Assessments, treatment planning, individual/group counseling, alcoholism education, psychological self-awareness, spiritual/cultural enhancement services, equine-assisted Psychotherapy, decision-making skills development. Outpatient and aftercare services. These services are included in individual treatment plans that are based on the needs of the client that are revealed in the assessment. Referrals submitted by Federal Probation/Pretrial office and its courts, Tribal Courts, State Probation and its courts, other tribal or non-tribal agencies. Out-patient counseling services, Assessments, Mental Health screenings, Moral Reconation Therapy groups, Anger Management groups, Aftercare services, Support services, referral services, tele-medicine and cultural/spiritual support services are offered to the adult/youth inmates at the tribal detention centers.
Public Hours: 8-5pm (Monday-Friday)
During treatment cycle: 24/7 in each Unit.
Eligibility: all tribal members from any federally-recognized tribe.
Age group: 18 y.o and up.
Family sessions ages 12 y.o and up in a family unit accepted.
PO Box 348
719 West BIA
Rosebud, SD 57570
Office: (605) 747-2342
Fax: (605) 747-2111
Cell: (605) 828-3987
Clinical Supervisor: Jesse Pease, ADC Level II
Director: Marcida Eagle Bear, LAC​
Piya Mani Otipi Youth Outpatient
Youth Rehabilitation and Aftercare is a long-term out-patient program
Provides assessments, treatment planning, individual/group counseling, case management, referral to appropriate support services, tele-medicine, spiritual/cultural enhancement services and follow-up services to youth who are not appropriate for inpatient treatment. This may be services starting point for youth who eventually may participate in inpatient treatment. The Aftercare portion of this program is designed for those youths who return from treatment and who are in need of support services in order to remain sober. Therapeutic intervention efforts are available. Transportation to and from treatment facilities are provided to youth and family members. A family component is an essential part of this program. Services include collaborating with various other youth programs, tribal services providing programs, state agencies, school, faith-based entities, tribal courts, treatment programs, detention centers, corrections, etc. in aftercare. Each component has funding provisions for staff development and training needs specific to Counselor Certification and other necessary requirements for staff professional enhancements and personal growth in this field.
Piya Mani Otipi Programs (PMO)
This project location is a 4,500 acre ranch purchased by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe for the purpose of youth program development and activities to provide services to all twenty of the reservation communities. It is a program designed to provide a comprehensive services for youth ages 11-17, which includes residential transitional living (per referral), intensive outpatient, direct referral services, transportation, Prevention (Suicide, youth pregnancy, violence, alcohol/drug, gang involvement and other youth-related issues) and Cultural activities as well as Recreational/Sports activities. This Program also provides Equine-assisted Psychotherapy for youth, adults and other referrals for this specialized services. Future plans are to relocate to another location. To reach the goals of this program, funding is necessary and continued strong support. Other services include Out-patient counseling services, Assessments, Mental Health screenings, Moral Reconation Therapy groups, Anger Management groups, Aftercare services, Support services, referral services, tele-medicine, and cultural/spiritual support services are offered to the youth inmates at the Juvenile Detention Center and other referrals from schools, parents, entities, etc.
Public Hours: 8-5pm (Monday-Friday)
Eligibility: Enrolled member of Federally recognized tribe.
Ages: 10-17years
PO Box 428
Bristow Ranch
Mission, SD 57555
Office: (605) 856-5528
Fax: (605) 856-2527
Cell: (605) 828-3716
Lead Youth Counselor: Claude Prue, Lead Counselor
Director: Marcida Eagle Bear, LAC
Tokala Inajinyo Youth Leadership/Mentoring Program
Tokala Inajinyo is a tribal mental health project designed to address intergenerational grief and historical trauma created by the impacts from boarding schools and other youth-related issues on the Rosebud.
Tokala Inajinyo provides opportunities for youth who are interested in participating in the Leadership Training Series created to foster positive self-identification & image utilizing experiential education, traditional teachings in areas of history/culture. Other services include preventive services in the form of physical activities, emotional relief, exposure to various cultural enhancement activities, spiritual activities, educational sessions, and basic healthy lifestyles to create awareness and pride in their heritage, a sense of positive self-worth as an individual, and the opportunity to therapeutically recover from unsettling issues in a safe environment. These prevention/cultural activities occur in the schools, JDC, communities, homes, radio station, and other programs and recently, Tokala Inajinyo staff worked tirelessly in developing a book with the help of our community elders called, “ Unci na Tunkasila Wowahukukiye” (Messages from our Grandmothers & Grandfathers”). Books were distributed to every household on the Rosebud reservation communities. We find it to be a powerful prevention tool.
The Mentoring & Leadership training program is geared toward cultural experience for the participant and integrates cultural healing in the process. Its aim is to teach youth various coping skills, self-improvement skills, increase their knowledge base using evidence-based curriculums designed for enhancement trainings for these youth to become Peer Mentors and a true leader. Curriculums utilized will have topics in alcohol/drug education, mental health awareness and services offered. Age group for this training program are middle to high school students(12-18 years old) and will be screened for maturity and who have an interest and willing to participate in these trainings throughout the year.
Unci Wahokukiye Project
Tokala Inajinyo has been selected to administer/manage the Unci Wahokukiye project funded by the BIA which seeks to provide prevention/cultural services to young girls & teenagers in prevention of pregnancy and wellness initiatives.
-Public Hours: 8-5pm (Monday-Friday)
-Eligibility: Enrolled member of Federally-recognized tribe.
Ages: 10-21years
PO Box 428
Bristow Ranch
Mission, SD 57570
Office: (605) 856-2587
Fax: (605) 856-5529
Cell: (605) 515-9633
Project Coordinator: Jessica Two Eagle
Director: Marcida Eagle Bear, LAC
Tiwahe Glu Kini Pi "Bringing the Family Back to Life"
SGU Tiwahe Glu Kini Pi System of Care program is here to improve the lives and conditions of children and families suffering with Serious Emotional Behavioral Disturbances(SEBD) through implementation of a Lakota based Mental Health Wraparound Model and use this model in the teaching and preparation of Lakota Counselors at Sinte Gleska University (SGU.)
Tiwahe Glu Kini Pi serves children, ages 3-21, and their families who live within the 5 county area of the Sicangu reservation.
For referrals during Covid pandemic call
Kelsey at: (605) 856-8163
Marlies White Hat (605) 856-8203
PO Box 105 Mission, SD 57555
Phone Number: (605) 856-8163, (605) 856-8296
White Buffalo Calf Woman Society 24-hr Crisis Response/Our House
Lakota Mental Health Toolkits given to Relatives, Lakota Cultural
Interventions can be arranged, Support Groups, Legal Advocacy, Case Management for In shelter services, C’awic’a Tunpi Wic’ohan Lakota Naming Ceremonies to strengthening one’s identity & sense of self.
24-Hr Crisis Response (605) 856-2317
Our House (605) 856-2252
PO BOX 227 Mission, SD 57555
Wanbli Wiconi Tipi-Juvenile Detention Center
Offering Inipi, Education, Fitness Routine, Lakota Cultural Classes, Daily Prayer Circle, Lakota Arts & Crafts. Community Service, Lakota Cultural classes (History, Language & Values) for residents of facility.
Pat Bad Hand (605) 856-8701
US-18 Rosebud, SD 57555
Southern Behavioral Health Services
Southern Plains Children’s counseling services assist families with the sensitive issues of child and adolescent behavior. This program provides mental health services to children with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED). Therapists help promote change and understanding for those struggling with trauma, conduct disorders, anger, discipline, attention deficit disorders, educational challenges, depression and other social and emotional life needs. Offers individual/ Family Counseling Services, Outpatient Services, Trauma Focused Cognitive therapy (TF-CBT)
153 S. Main St. Mission, SD 57555
Mission Office (605)856-4631
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Alcohol & Drug Treatment Program
Provides Alcohol and Drug Evaluations, Alcohol and Drug Treatment and Alcohol and Drug Education.
Marcida Eagle Bear: (605) 747-2342
P.O. Box 348, #7 Hospital Lane, Rosebud, SD 57570
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Meth Treatment Program
Provides Evaluation and Treatment for Methamphetamines
Director-Skyla Two Eagle
Supervisor-Denise Casillas
Ph. 605-747-2320 , P.O. Box 719, Rosebud, SD 57570
Maternal Child & Health/RST Project LAUNCH Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Offers services to Prenatal/Post-partum women & infants from birth to 8 years of age, including case management, family planning, home-based education, & local transportation for clients. RST Project LAUNCH provides services for families & children from birth to 8 years of age, including case management, education & outreach to resources, including Mental Health for the relative and family.
Sandra Wilcox (605)856-2990
PO BOX 1076 Mission, SD 57555
RST Youth Homeless Shelter
Provides shelter and services for Homeless Youth
Bobbi Busch, Office Mgr. Skyla Fast Horse, Director
Located at old PMO site on Hwy 18
Ph. 605-856-2537 605-319-6681 C
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline
The NAMI Helpline is a free, nationwide peer-support service providing information, resource referrals and support to people living with mental health conditions, their family members and caregivers, mental health providers and the public.
Available from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., ET,
1-800-950-6264 (NAMI)
Monday thru Friday
Local Helpline Suicide Prevention
Call or text (605-319-1280)
Available 24/7 Free and Confidential